D4HSubmissions | CLOSED

Paper submissions | Closed

Now available: Final proceedings

Please note:

Unfortunately, Design4Health2020 is cancelled this summer but proceedings will be published online as planned - Please read the full guidance online.
The submission for full papers to Design4Health2020, that was extended until Sun 3 May 2020, is now closed.

DesignLab at University of Twente, Waag | technology & society, University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam NL and Lab4Living at Sheffield Hallam University UK are pleased to invite papers, posters and artifacts from researchers and practitioners for the sixth European Design4Health conference 2020, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Aims and scope

We invite papers from researchers and practitioners across the areas of design, creative practice and health in order to develop new dialogues and offer different perspectives.

Our contributors are placed at the interface of design in health practice and research; our conferences explore creative approaches and perspectives to enhance understanding and experience, and to improve the efficiency of health and wellbeing services and products.

Given that our focus is very much on designing with people instead of for, we encourage submissions from individuals using services and products, and the sharing of real-life experiences. In particular, we invite papers and posters addressing the specific themes described below.


The future is now! The overall theme for this conference is Designing Future Health and we particularly welcome submissions which consider the role of design in the future of health.

For example:

We invite participants to share work which interrogates methods, ethics, evaluation and which demonstrates how knowledge can be mobilized. If you are not sure to which track to submit, please put your submission under theme I), indicated below.

We also ask when the papers are submitted if the author(s) want to bring in an Artefact that will be shown at the exhibition.

Submissions which consider how past trends and current research might inform future practice are encouraged. For instance, papers which look to the past to build our understanding of citizenship, public health, buildings, and those which reflect on how the role of the designer and healthcare practitioner continues evolve.

I) Meta themes
We welcome papers focussed on Methods, Ethics, Evaluation, Theory-informed Design, Education and Training that cross-link into one or more of the themes listed below.

II) Designing citizen science and community-driven care 
Person-centred care; Co-production of products and services; Hacking healthcare for better care (by both patients, families, communities and healthcare professionals); Evidence-informed design: from cities to devices, from systems to service; Evidence-informed care practices; Communities of Care; Empowering informal carers.

III) Designing for Urban Vitality 
Improve and maintain healthy and vital lifestyle; Inclusion – culture, age, literacy; Sports, exercise science and health.

IV) Care model design 
Design, health, strategy and innovation; Service road mapping; Healthcare value chain; Integrated care.

V) Designing personalised eHealth technology  
Personalization of devices, wearables & Assistive technologies, smart materials, robotics; Screening and assessment for self management and shared decision making.

VI) Health data design/digital self
Designing AI; Privacy and ethics around health data; Information management, and interpretation of data; Data visualization.

VII) Sustainable Health and Wellbeing
Public health / global health; Eco-health; Health promotion and education; Circular design; Eating behavior / experience of food; Flourishing, healthy communities; Physical activity.

VIII) Wildcard Chindōgu. Designing dystopian futures: Why would you do that?
Chindōgu (珍道具) is a prank originating from Japan, which is done by a person seemingly inventing ingenious everyday gadgets that seem like an ideal solution to a particular problem, but are in fact nothing more than a useless gag. How does health respond to the design? Responsibilities and consequences.

Responsible design for health (incl failures); Transhumanism; Dystopian futures; Cyborgs; High tech v. low tech solutions for health and wellbeing: Traditional/indigenous practices, knowledge, experience

Submission instructions

Submitting to D4H
Please ensure that you have read the Stylesheet information and Abstract and Poster Submission checklist before submitting.
To begin the submission process, visit https://conference.shu.ac.uk/index.php/events/design4health2020/index
Please ensure you complete the required fields and check the boxes for:

Then click [User home] and you should see the option to click [New Submission] for this

Submission types
Abstracts: 300 word abstract, 0-3 images. Max. file size 1MB. Please upload your 300 word abstract in Word/RTF format. Abstracts should respond to one or more of the conference themes above and are submitted to one of the conference tracks. Abstracts are double blind reviewed. Authors of accepted proposals will be invited to present at the conference, and invited to submit full papers before the conference. Full papers of 3000 words should describe the work in more depth, and may be accompanied by up to 7 images. Full papers will be reviewed and accepted papers published in the online proceedings. Selected authors will be invited to submit extended articles for consideration in Design For Health Journal (Taylor & Francis).

Posters: Please upload your Poster proposal as a PDF document (1 side A3), including 150 word text summarizing your work. Max. file size 3MB. Posters should respond to any of the conference themes and are submitted to one Poster track. Accepted poster authors will be invited to develop their work into a poster according to a template provided. Posters are peer-reviewed (not blind).

N.b. if you would like to bring an artefact related to your submission for display in the conference exhibition, please indicate this at Step 1 of online submission. Please enter brief details, including any requirements, in the ‘Comments for Conference Director’ box.

Doctoral Colloquium

On Tuesday 30th of June a Doctoral Colloquium will take place, for only a selected group of PhD students. A selection is part of the procedure. In order to ensure high quality feedback and lively discussions among the attendees, we will convene a panel of globally renowned experts with a strong background in PhD supervision. More information: Doctoral Colloquium on this website.

The stylesheet is based on that used by the journal Design For Health. The following points apply to full papers as well as abstracts:

Abstract and Poster Submission checklist
Abstracts: max. 300 words (including keywords, and a maximum of 3 optional references)
Posters: 1 side A3 pdf including max. 150 words (including all text)
Paper abstracts should respond to one or more of the conference themes, describe briefly the context of the research, questions addressed, and how the research has been developed including research methods, findings or conclusions
Use Chicago author-date system of referencing. References are not expected, but you may include up to 3 references.
Paper abstracts are double blind reviewed; do not include your name or affiliation or any other identifying information
File size: Please keep your file size to under 1MB for abstracts, or 3MB for posters
Artifacts: Please indicate in the ‘Comments for Conference Director’ box at Step 1 of online submission if you would like to bring an artefact related to your submission for display in the conference exhibition. Please provide brief details of what you would like to bring, and any requirements.

Important dates and notes

Full paper deadline extended: Sunday May 3rd 2020, 23.59. 

Submission of a full paper is not compulsory; you may still present your work without submitting a full paper, and your abstract will be published in the online proceedings. Please let the organizers know if you will not be submitting a full paper, and ensure that you submit instead the final version of your abstract (including author details) by 13th April.

If you do not attend the conference, your paper (or abstract) will not be included in the proceedings.

Delegate registration closes: Wed 10th June 2020.

All those presenting papers, posters or exhibits are expected to attend the conference as regular paying delegates. Due to program restrictions, one person cannot present more than two papers.

Please confirm by 27th March who will be presenting your paper, if not the lead author.

Paper presenters will have a total of 15 minutes to present at the conference (or 10 mins plus 5 minutes for questions/discussion) in a breakout session. Breakout sessions are programmed on 1st, 2nd and 3rd July. We aim to publish the breakout session program online by 3rd June.

Posters are not presented formally, but informal opportunities for delegates to view and discuss Posters with their authors are scheduled in the conference program.

Outline program announced: May/June 2020
Draft full program: Early June 2020
Conference opens: June 30th 2020 (colloquium), 1-3 July 2020 conference (opening 1st July)
Proceedings published: July 1st 2020